Plot Summary :
Suzuki Sora is a cheerful country girl from the small town of Bie. She made a promise to her father, and following this promise applies and is accepted for a magic intership in Tokyo, where she will face the life in a big city. While training to get better with her magic, she meets a mysterious boy also practicing to become a mage. While he can not use magic that well and he seems distant and cold at first, Sora's fate intertwines with his and the two are thrown together, learning a lot of new things about life and each other.
Download Movie with IDM or Flashget :
Someday's Dreamers: Summer Skies
Note :
You can download the file above, using the software Internet Download Manager including crack, Flashget+crack. Click The link if you want to download those software. Before You Start to using the pacth or crack please make sure to turn off your anti-virus first. Its the best way
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